Saturday, December 17, 2011

leaves are turning

It was nice to be back in Salt Lake, to take in the city I just experienced.  I was able to turn life down a notch and breathe in the pre-fall smell.
Fall had yet to settle into the city but it was in full bloom on higher grounds.  After the first few days of being back home I was ready to get out into the beautiful Utah mountains as I was not sure if I would be leaving soon.  I at least wanted to experience fall in the mountains.
Big Cottonwood Canyon
My brothers, sisters and I did just that, an incredible evening in nature.  I was very happy to be able to spend this quality time with them as it was much needed.
Dog Lake with Rockstar

For the next two weeks my primary focus was spent going hiking about five days out of the week as the warmer hiking weather would be coming to a halt. Ingrid and I experienced many of these hikes together and it was nice to take her out to areas she had not yet been able to see.  Just as I suspected Ingrid was delighted to see such glorious scenery and to be able to connect with nearby surroundings.  I did more hiking with my sister Angelina and took the dogs out with us.  At first I just did hiking with our dog Rocky, an Australian Shepherd, but I felt so bad leaving Zoey, a minature Poodle, as she gave me that sad face as I headed out.  My sister told me that I needed to give Zoey a chance out on a hike or run, I didn't think she could handle it.  We took her and she proved me wrong, that little Zoey did just as well as Rocky on the trails.  I did not get a picture of Zoey out hiking but one with Rocky.  I was told various times on the trail how good looking of a dog he was.
Millcreek Canyon had an amazing fall as did the surrounding mountains but this canyon had the best canopy trees with radiant colored leaves.
As the beginning of October came around, my sister and I moved from our Liberty Park home.  We were there for a little over four months, in some ways it felt like longer.  In our short time there we had grown in more ways than one and acquired everlasting friendship.  My sister and I relocated back to the parentals, as I tried to figure out where I was to go next.  I looked into many different things the first week that I was there.  After looking at a few different options I decided to contact my past employer, who sent me to Key West and San Francisco, to see if they had any openings in an exciting destination.  They came back and asked me if I would like to move to Hawaii to help open a new store, I hesitantly obliged.

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