Tuesday, February 7, 2012

celebrating my Hau`oli Lā Hānau

On my birthday eve, Lexi, Danny and I headed to the north shore to start the birthday celebration off right.  Lexi and I were not sure where we were going but knew it was going to be an adventure.
After arriving to our destination, we took all the gear and headed down the trail.  There we were on a twilight deserted beach.  Danny started a fire as Lexi and I spun around in circles, ultimately falling over, while looking up at the luminous stars.
Setting up the camp was done with quickness, after we settled around the fire.  While sitting there we could hear the tide getting higher, running over the rocks to the left.  As a precaution we decided to move the tent to higher ground.  Good thing we did because in a matter of minutes the tide crept up as it washed away our fire, so much for having to worry about putting it out.  Even though it was the rainy climate north shore we decided to leave the rain guard off taking our chances.  Seeing the stars through the the netting was a relaxing way to fall asleep.  The picture above was the view we woke up to at 6:30 in the morning, an amazing way to start your birthday if you ask me.  Technically Lumaha'i Beach does not permit camping so as the early morning beach runners arrived we packed up camp more quick than what we put it up.
We grabbed all the gear and headed up the trail, we still had to drive more north for our next destination.

Ke'e Beach is the furthest north you can get by car.  The start of Kalalau Trail, which runs along the Na Pali Coast, begins at this beach.  The earlier you go to this beach the better, the parking lot and trail fills up with people quick.  Two miles into the trail we come upon Hanakapi'ai Beach, but we continued on to our first goal which was to go to Hanakapi'ai Falls.  This trail went more inland into a valley instead of following the Kalalau Trail along the Na Pali Coast.  Before I leave I hope to do the full trail which is 11 miles along the coast to a beach and to camp overnight.

While heading to the falls there came a section which we passed through a bamboo forest.  I found this really exciting since I am here working for a company that sells bamboo clothing, sheets, towels, etc.  To think that you can make clothing out of this stuff, put bamboo flooring in your house and eat bamboo shoots in your stir fry shows how versatile this grass is.  Who knew...bamboo!
The trail passed back and forth between a river as the water path led us to our desired destination.  As we rounded the final corner we could feel the mist from the falls slightly moistening our faces. And there it was the most beautiful falls I have seen.  To put it in perspective Hanakapi'ai Falls is 300 feet tall, you definitely do not want to be caught here during a flash flood.  The next thing we did only made sense, jump into the falls.
The surrounding valley was shaded and jumping into chilly water was something I had to second guess, I figured when in Rome.  We swam behind the falls and it was quite an experience.  After getting out of the water goosebumps settled in my skin.  We hung out at the falls for little bit, breathing in the misty algae aroma.
We headed back down stopping at Hanakapi'ai Beach for a break.  This is a dangerous beach and it is not advised to swim here, locals do it but they know the waves.  While we were there Danny knew of a cave at the north end of the beach, only it was covered up with sand.  But of course we dug it out as I grew weary of the ocean tides getting higher while in the cave, we made it out alive to my despair.
Finishing the round trip eight mile hike we were ready to get into some water.  We got in the car and a two minute drive later we arrived to the blue room.
This is a cave that has fresh water and is very refreshing to swim in.  Taking a waterproof headlamp is a good thing to have while in this dark cave.  It was very eerie swimming in this cave as you could see shadows of dark objects underneath you while a crazy man, Danny, is screaming in the low cave ceilings.
Ending the day adventure we stopped at Bubba Burgers where I had myself a Kauai grass fed beef teriyaki pineapple burger, delish.

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